Accompaniments · Appetizers · Gluten Free · Vegetable-related

Blue cheese potato chips

You will not be able to resist these from the “Food 52” website.

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Serves 4 to 6

1 cup blue cheese, crumbled
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup milk
1 bag sturdy potato chips, like Kettel Chips or Cape Cod
Chives,chopped finely to sprinkle over as you are serving
Black pepper

Turn your oven on to Broil.
Heat cream, milk, and blue cheese in a saucepan over low heat until the blue cheese just dissolves.
Spread the potato chips out on a lipped sheet pan — line it with a sheet of parchment paper or a silpat to help with cleanup later.
Pour the cheese mixture over the potato chips, sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper and broil in the oven until the sauce is bubbly and bronzed in parts. Sprinkle with the chopped chives,
Serve alongside napkins

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