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Sauted asparagus with melted gorgonzola and toasted pine nuts

Makes 4 servings.

1lb  fresh asparagus, thin spears are preferred but if you use thicker ones, peel the stalk ends.
1 tbsp olive oil, or more if you want
4 large cloves garlic, sliced
1/4 to 1/3 cup crumbled gorgonzola cheese
2 – 3 Tbsp toasted pine nuts (toast them in a high temperature skillet or oven)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. You may not need too much salt due to the gorgonzola cheese being salty.

Snap off a piece of asparagus to see where to cut off the tough ends, then trim all the asparagus to that length and cut into 2inches long
. Cutting on a diagonal looks prettier!

Put the olive oil into a large frying pan, turn the heat to medium, add garlic and saute about 1 minute or until you start to smell garlic and the cloves are barely starting to get some color.
Don’t let the garlic brown or it will make your oil taste bitter rather than delightfully garlicky.
Take the pan off the heat and remove the garlic and discard.

Put the pan back on the heat, add the asparagus and saute for about 5 minutes, turning frequently, until the asparagus is barely starting to soften and brown slightly.
Timing will depend completely on how hot your stove burner is, but I cooked mine exactly 5 mins and it was perfect.

While the asparagus cooks, toast the pine nuts. When the asparagus is done, turn off the heat and sprinkle the crumbled Gorgonzola over the asparagus in the pan.
Let it sit for a minute until about half the cheese is starting to melt and the rest is still in firm pieces.
Plate the asparagus and sprinkle with the pine nuts.

Season with salt and pepper. (I didn’t need any salt) and serve immediately!