Appetizers · Do-ahead · Fish · Gluten Free

Compote of salmon and cauliflower cream

This really gorgeous starter can be ideally served for both lunch and dinner. Either make it in a 4″ ring mold or make it like in this picture, in a small chilled glass.

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Makes 6 portions

One side of salmon, about 2 3/4 lbs (skinned, fileted, and pin boned)
1 3/4 pints extra virgin olive oil
A bunch of dill
1 tsp rock salt

For the Cauliflower cream
1 medium cauliflower
whole milk
A handful of fresh cilantro
1 tsp coriander seeds, crushed
1 tsp white peppercorns, crushed
17 fl oz heavy cream
salt and white pepper, freshly ground

Preheat the oven to 90C/200F/Gas 1/2
Place the salmon in a suitable container lined with foil, and cover with the olive oil and fresh dill. Sprinkle with rock salt.
Fold the foil over and place the container in preheated oven, making sure that the salmon is completely immersed in the oil. The cooking time will be around 20 minutes. The salmon should then be taken out of the oven and left in the oil.

Cauliflower cream
Break the cauliflower into small florets, and place in a pan with enough milk to cover. Tie the fresh cilantro and crushed seeds and peppercorns in a small piece of muslin and place in the milk. Cook until the cauliflower florets are very soft.
Drain off and discard the milk, remove and discard the small muslin bag, then puree the cauliflower.
Leave to cool, then gently fold in the double cream. Season as required, then chill.

Gently remove the salmon from the oil, removing any dill. Drain off any excess oil, then gently flake the salmon.

To serve,
Place a 10cm ring mold (with 7cm diameter) on the first plate. Place some flaked salmon in the bottom of the mold. (or put some flaked salmon into a chilled glass)
Spoon the chilled cauliflower cream on top and garnish with a small seasonal salads, and toasted brioche.
Remove the mold and create compotes of salmon on the other plates.
You can also garnish the dish with tomato (cut into tiny cubes), coriander oil and a mixture of mushroom powder and olive oil.