Dessert · Do-ahead · Fruit · Icecream

Fresh peach ice cream

This homemade peach ice cream is so rich and creamy with a delicious fresh peach taste throughout. Its so easy to make, and has the perfect taste of summer in every bite.
The ice cream is ever so slightly, a light yellow color – kind of what you’d expect from an old fashioned vanilla ice cream. If you want it more of a peachy color you can add a couple drops of orange or yellow food coloring (or a drop or two of each) to the ice cream mix before churning to give it a little more color.

2 cups chopped peaches (skin removed)
1 1/4 cups sugar (divided)
2 cups heavy cream
1 cup whole milk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Mix the chopped peaches with 1/2 cup sugar in a medium sized bowl. Allow to sit for about 30 minutes so the peach pieces release their juices.
Blend the peaches up in a blender or food processor until nice and smooth. (Add 1/4 cup of your whole milk if you need more liquid to blend it up)
In a large bowl combine the peach mixture with heavy cream, whole milk, vanilla extract, and remaining 3/4 cup sugar. Set aside.
Get out your freezer bowl and start running your ice cream maker. Pour the peach mixture into the running ice cream maker. Allow to run according to the manufactures instructions (Mine is about 25-30 minutes.)
Transfer to a container and place in the freezer for 6 hours up to overnight.
Scoop and serve.

2 thoughts on “Fresh peach ice cream

  1. Can this be done without an ice cream maker? I crave real peach ice cream, but it cannot be found anywhere

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