Appetizer Vegetarian

Baked cheese in a box

Perhaps the quickest way to feed two or three hungry people is this gloriously rich but more-ish dish. Quick and simple to prepare.
Recipe by Sally Clarke

Serves 2, 3 or even 4

1 “boxed” cheese – ideally Baron Bigod, Tunworth, Camembert or Vacherin
1 large garlic clove, centre shoot removed if present
Rosemary sprigs
A quarter to a half of a bread loaf of your choice
Good olive oil
Sea salt
Runny honey (optional)

Heat the oven to 350F/160C (180C non-fan).
Unwrap the cheese (if in paper) and return to the balsa-wood box. With a small sharp knife, pierce the top skin of the cheese in 10 or 12 evenly spaced places. Slice the garlic finely and gently push a slice into each hole along with a small sprig of rosemary. Place the cheese (in its box) into an ovenproof serving dish and bake for 5 minutes or until the tips of garlic and rosemary start to color.

Meanwhile, slice the bread into 8 or 10 chunks or slices for dipping.

Remove the dish from the oven and place the bread pieces around the outside of the cheese. Drizzle them with a little olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt. Return the dish to the oven for a further 8-10 minutes or until the bread is golden at the edges and the cheese has just started to ooze from the side.

Serve immediately on warm plates, drizzled with honey if you like, and use the bread pieces to dip into the molten cheese.